Online Filing For Bankruptcy Information

Many people have asked me whether it is possible to file a bankruptcy plea on line and obviate the necessity of going to court personally. The answer to this question is a 'No'. Bankruptcy is declaration of insolvency and a person filing for bankruptcy will have to appear himself or through his attorney in the designated Bankruptcy court for his plea to be heard. However with technology on the upswing and related developments the courts have allowed some functions to be carried out through the internet. All courts have a federal database called Pacer. This database that is based on national statistics can be assessed on line. However a stipulated fee will have to be paid by the user for this facility. Many attorneys do file cases on line yet the fact remains at some given point of time there is no alternative to go the designated court for the actual filing of bankruptcy. The PACER system I have mentioned above cannot be used by debtors to file their cases.

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A debtor can access the internet and avail relevant information. This will make his task of filing a bankruptcy plea easier. Many sites are available on the web which can be accessed by the debtor and he can then complete his documents by down loading them. The downloaded forms can be printed and used for filing in the designated bankruptcy court. There are also sites that help you to hire paralegal personnel who can help you with the actual process of completing the required forms. The importance of these forms cannot be under rated as they form an essential part of the insolvency plea. The person filing for bankruptcy has to personally present these documents to the bankruptcy court. However websites are available that allow you to get answers to your questions or FAQ's. These questions will be answered by specialist lawyers who will reply to your queries and no charges are levied. The bankruptcy sites also help you to order or download bankruptcy forms. These come with complete set of instructions as to how to fill them up.

However American law debars Online and paralegal bankruptcy petition preparers from providing any legal advice. Though technically any Individual may file a bankruptcy petition without an attorney yet the fact remains that the bankruptcy code is fairly complex and having an attorney to do your work will always be an asset.But there is no doubt that getting documents prepared on line helps save time and money, notwithstanding the fact that you still have to appear before the court.

Many attorneys and services are however available on line. And a lot many will be eager to help you. But the attorney at some point of time will need to meet the debtor to enable signing of the various forms and also to verify your identity and documents. This gives the attorney a level of confidence to proceed further. The procedure for bankruptcy filing can be simplified by going on the net but that will not obviate your requirement to personally appear before the court and enter your plea.

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